The tea industry was founded in Africa by British settlers in the early 20th century in Kenya, Uganda, Malawi, and Tanzania, followed by Zimbabwe in the 1920’s and the West Cameroons in the 1950’s. Portuguese settlers planted tea in Mozambique in the 1930’s. Belgian settlers began planting it in the DRC in the 1940’s, in Burundi in the 1930’s and Rwanda in the 1950’s. After the end of the colonial era circa 1960-61, Read More
The Department for International Development (DFID) in the UK “uses aid to tackle the global challenges of our time” including poverty and disease, mass migration, insecurity and conflict. DFID has 3,600 employees based in East Kilbride, London.They focus on:• Strengthening global peace, security and governance• Increasing resilience and response to crisis• Tackling poverty• Helping the most vulnerable• Promoting gloRead More