On 19th November, I met with a large team from the IFC (International Finance Corporation), part of the World Bank Group, in Washington DC. The team was led by:
- Makiko Tayoda – Product Manager
- Yasmin Saadat – Chief Investment Officer, Trade and Commodities Finance
- Hyung K. Ahn – Global Head, Trade and Commodities.
Wide ranging discussions were held on current challenges to the structured trade marketplace, including insurance coverage, the Basel III framework and risk mitigants.
I also gave a presentation on the collateral management of petroleum products, including details on Vallis’s fuel operation processes and reporting. Vallis’s expertise in fuel operations has led to continuing growth for us in this area, both in Africa and the Middle East. The presentation is available in pdf format at this link:
Collateral Management of Petroleum Products
If you have any questions regarding this presentation, or any Vallis operations, please do get in touch.
Best regards,