Rice The most widely represented commodity within the Vallis countries of operation, 3.5 million tonnes of rice have been managed since 2006. Rice has been found under contracts in: Benin, Cameroon, Ghana, Guinea, Ivory Coast, Kenya, Liberia, Mali, Mozambique, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Togo, and Uganda. It is the second most produced grain in the world after maize, provides one fifth of the caloriRead More
Maize Maize is the most highly produced grain in the world and Vallis has handled over 3 million tonnes since 2006. Maize can be found under Vallis contracts in Cameroon, Egypt, Tanzania, Zambia and Zimbabwe and operations have also taken place in Kenya, Nigeria, Mozambique and Uganda. The principal usage of maize is as livestock feed but global consumption of maize (commonly known as corn) has increased over the laRead More
Vallis has joined Gafta. The Grain and Feed Trade Association (Gafta) is an international Trade Association with over 1,400 members across 86 countries. As a professional member of Gafta, Vallis will be able to expand its interaction and better promote international trade in grains, pulses, rice, spices and feed produce. Please visit www.gafta.com for more information. A copy of our certificate of membership can be lRead More