At Vallis we take considerable pride in our Audit process, this can include from specific audits for clients on a one-off or revolving basis, to audits on our own operations through an internal procedure. Audits can be targeted to purely numerical verification of stock quantities, or they can be broadened to identify the efficiency and effectiveness of processes, procedures and systems.
Our audits will always be backed up by comprehensive reports with accompanying photographic evidence. We ensure to deliver verifiable information to decision makers who can act with confidence knowing they have up-to-date, accurate information to enable proper control of stock and processes. With a comprehensive library of audit questionnaires and procedural checks we make sure no stone is left unturned.
Audit Planning
Successful audits need to be planned to ensure that all relevant background information is to hand, locations are properly identified and that the correct amount of time is allocated to each activity to be undertaken. Vallis plan audits by:
- Reviewing past audit reports and current stock figures or processes.
- Liaising with the customer’s team if required.
- Identifying the specialist equipment and physical elements required.
- Cross-referencing document checks.
- Formulating and costing the audit plan.

Conduct Audit
Vallis often conduct audits unannounced which enables an ‘as is’ picture to be gained of the subject activity.
- Our audits are thorough, detailed and fully documented using check-sheets, photographs and other media.
- Audit interviews with staff are conducted.
- Certificates of fitness for devices will be checked to ensure that they are in date and comply with local regulations.
- Weighbridge procedures will be examined and reviewed.
Photographic Record
A photographic record is an essential part of the verification provided by an audit carried out by Vallis.
- Vallis also use video where necessary to record verification of activity observed during the conduct of an audit.
- Photography is often the quickest and most efficient way to gather evidence from documents or system displays observed during an audit.

Cross Reference Documentation
An essential element of any audit is to ensure that documentary evidence of activity and stock levels backs up what is physically observed.
- Vallis ensure that documents are coherent, authentic and match appropriately when cross-referenced with each other.
Storage Facility: Fit for Purpose
As commodity stocks are frequently the subject of our audits, the storage units must be verified as being fit for purpose.
- Storage units will vary, but will usually comprise a warehouse, a liquid holding tank or a soft commodities silo.
- Such storage units frequently contain automated stock counting, weighing or measuring systems and these will be checked and verified as being certified for use during the audit.

Audit Report
Vallis will consolidate and write up the audit report with a comprehensive evidence pack, accompanied with photos and/or diagrams.
- The report will not only provide a snapshot of stock levels and systems status at the time of the audit, but importantly, will provide a record that can be added to the audit trail.
- Audit reports will frequently contain recommendations and potential solutions to issues encountered during the audit. Providing a firm basis on which to base lessons identified, and over time, lessons learned.