Fumigation and Pest Control
Fumigation and pest control services can be utilised in order to mitigate and reduce the damage caused by insect or animal infestation.
Vallis provides fumigation services in containers, warehouses, silos and vessels. Careful planning ensures the correct doses of chemicals are deployed and that an appropriate exposure period is observed.
Pest control measures can be tailored to client specific needs as established during our thorough site inspections.
Container Fumigation
Fumigation of containers is usually instigated at the loading port, the chemicals will be inserted into the container before sealing, then removed at the final destination.
- The chemicals in container fumigation are dispersed using fumigation plates. These are placed strategically throughout the container according to the level of infestation of the cargo before sealing. The chemical level will also depend on the necessary time of exposure. This can be up to and over one month.

Warehouse Fumigation
Warehouse fumigation will be preceded by an initial inspection of the storage site or cargo to be fumigated. This inspection serves to determine the chemical dosage and quantity needed and personnel and time required, to successfully fumigate the cargo.
- Fumigation of cargo is performed in a dry warehouse, for stacked bagged goods raised on wooden pallets. The relevant cargo is then fully covered with plastic sheeting or tarpaulin and the chemical dispersed evenly over the stock.
- The plastic sheeting is then opened to fully cover the stack and lie over the warehouse floor, with weighting applied to seal in the chemical. Fumigated cargo is given an exposure period of 3 to 7 days during which gas readings for phosphine gas are taken daily to ensure that levels are within specification for successful fumigation.
Vessel Fumigation
Vessel fumigation is required when infested cargo is unable to be discharged into a port or inland warehouse.
- Fumigation of cargo is performed in a similar manner to warehouse fumigation. The cargo will be inspected to determine the quantity and chemical level of chemicals required, these will then be dispersed evenly among the surface of the stock before being covered under plastic sheeting or tarpaulin.
- After chemicals are dispersed Vallis will then seal all hatches in the hold. Exposure should be for a minimum or four days during which chemical readings are taken daily to ensure a successful fumigation. Sheeting is then removed with all hatches fully opened and the cargo is given a minimum of one hour for aeration.

Silo Fumigation
Silo fumigation is performed by dispersing pellets containing the fumigation chemicals into the bulk cargo. After the chemical reaction, the chemical will dissolve leaving a small residue which will be removed from the product upon despatch.
- In the case of receiving infected cargo, pellets can be inserted into the empty silo before receipt and during receipt of stock to ensure even distribution. For stock already held within a silo, the infested stock would be transferred into an empty silo and pellets dispersed during the transfer.
- The chemical level required will be determined after inspection of cargo, depending on the level of infestation and quantity of cargo to be fumigated.